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14 November, 2006

Have You Watched The Devil Wears Prada?

I am sure many of you’d have watched the Devil Wears Prada when I write this entry. It is so happen that here at Melbourne, our cinemas are always behind in terms of releasing movies. Hence, I might seem to be a bit outdated.

There are lots of reviews about this movie by Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway already. Most of them are very positive indeed. For that reason, I wouldn’t write another review here. What I will do is select a few thoughts from people at rottentomatoes that fits my impression about this movie.

A smashing success as a glimpse of the fashion world and as a depiction of a young woman's introduction to the ethical choices that form character on the job.

The movie has a lot going for it: a privileged look inside the world of fashion journalism, a magical interlude in a storybook Paris, bright supporting performances by Stanley Tucci and Emily Blunt, the likable presence of Hathaway, and, of course, Streep.

Whether you're high on fashion hi-life or simply shopping at Good Will, I think you'll have a fun time with this film. Top notch direction and production.

There are some critics too, but I wouldn't include them here. For me, the positive outweigh the negative. Give it a go if you haven't!

P/S: Did anyone read the novel and watched the movie? Could you please leave us some comments as to whether the movie follows the novel's storyline or not?

- Vincent

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